I feel more trust in myself. I can trust my perceptions and intuition.

It’s been a long time since I felt comfortable enough to pursue this. I’m feeling brave. That makes me happy. I feel more trust in myself. I can trust my perceptions and intuition.

I like that I’m with folks (who) have been with you for years and I’m new; I like the idea that I see them comfortable and I sense my own discomfort and I think if I could stick with something for two years, look where I’ll be. I’ll be more comfortable and I find that well worthwhile.

The exercises are laid out to inspire us to stretch in ways that are comfortable. At the same time, we have the immediate confirmation we are either on track or maybe not. So that’s inspiring, too. I’m always surprised that it’s coming through easily.

Even though there are different people at different levels, I felt I was in the right place for that.

~Elyse Stansberry, 2019

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The materials and lectures were so interesting that I didn’t want it to end.

It’s helpful to have an experienced medium instructing us on what to do and how to do it.

Julia gave us insight using her decades of experience which is super helpful. I always feel nervous and anxious when doing intuitive practice, so it helps to hear that it’s OK if not always right.

The materials and lectures were so interesting that I didn’t want it to end. I know I have a lot to learn, but I feel like I’m in really good hands.

I believe that since everyone has intuitive abilities, they should be assisted in how to use it, trust it, and have a safe space to practice it. Everyone could use a little boost in intuitive confidence! This class not only gives you that boost, but also helps you feel at peace with yourself.

How can I grow up to be just like you?

~Susan Lyle, 2019

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It’s a great way to learn for yourself how the Spirit World connects to you.

The main thing I discovered was how mediumship works and also that I’m able to connect with Spirit as a medium. One of the things I enjoyed about working as a medium in the groups is that I got to see how other people work and everyone works differently. I got to decide for myself how I am going to work as a medium.

If someone is truly interested in connecting to Spirit, I think it’s a great way to learn for yourself how the Spirit World connects to you. It really is a sacred experience.

~Susan Lyle, 2019

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Sheila Franzen Sheila Franzen

It really exceeded my expectations.

I’ve not hesitated to recommend your class to a number of people because I really believe that it’s a rare combination to find a medium who is very clear, full of integrity and not in it for her own ego. The material was very well presented, a great union of articulateness and the gut level feeling of things.

It really exceeded my expectations in that it was structured. It was verbal. I could follow it, but it was also intuitive. I think that’s a rare gift to combine the two.

~Linda Sherwin, Astrologer, 2018

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Sheila Franzen Sheila Franzen

This course helped me.

I wanted to know what else is out there. I already had some random knowledge and I wanted to find the course that put it all together and (this course) helped me do that.

Another benefit was finding community. I think that’s also important, and being involved in a class take this and a teacher that is clearly very knowledgeable about the subject matter, and with whom I could then work further.

It’s worth it, no matter what your perception is about price, this (class) is so important. And at this price point, it’s an amazing value. It really is, and your life will not be the same.

~Daniela de la Torre, 2017

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I felt so much better when I left.

I was at my wit’s end when I came to you. Hearing from my loved ones was very reassuring. It was amazing to me how you were able to describe their personalities and how they looked. To hear their words, spoken as they would say them, was really comforting to me. I felt so much better when I left. Thank you, Julia Marie, for your wonderful work.

~Faviane, St Louis, MO, 2017

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I was always grateful for your approach.

I had a loss and after that, things just kind of started happening. I started trying to read things and figure it out on my own. You were very responsible as a teacher. It’s important to have a safe place to develop and practice, because you are not only practicing the mediumship, you are practicing the delivery of the message.

There are challenging parts to it, and I was always grateful for your approach, and as someone who came from a very analytical, logical, corporate background, I think I felt much more comfortable with that than if it had been a kind of free for all.

I liked the structured approach and it was good and challenging, too, which I enjoyed and pushed me to develop because otherwise I would not have.

~Kathy V., 2017

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I recommend her.

Julia Marie has a rare gift for genuine mediumship. She was able to connect with my loved ones right away and shared inspiring and encouraging messages that really helped me with some difficult issues. I recommend her when you need guidance, understanding and assistance with life passages and spiritual concerns.

~Reverend Melissa, Minister, Kansas City, MO, 2012

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Thank you for being so good at what you do.

Thanksgiving 2011 was a special event for me. Julia Marie read for my family at our traditional turkey dinner. Her connection to the other side is quite a gift to those around her. During the afternoon, Julia described a woman she saw standing near my father. She was describing my Grandmother Lucille. She died about 20 years ago, but was with my father on that day and wanted to send her love to us. I could feel her warmth and that familiar loving energy of hers. It was wonderful to feel her presence again, and to feel her hugs once more.

~Shirley Rogers, Psychic Reader, Springfield, MO, December 2011

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Julia Marie is an amazingly talented healer and I am so grateful for the help.

I have been plagued for five years with repetitive motion injuries to my shoulder and elbow. When I experience a flare up, it causes extreme pain and sleep disturbances. I become unable to use that arm effectively (sometimes for weeks) due to the numbness and tingling.

I was in severe pain recently (April 2012) and asked Julia Marie for some help. She and The Team worked with me over the phone for less than 20 minutes. The results were nothing short of miraculous. I was astounded. I went to bed that night, and in the morning the pain was gone. I am now pain free, and have full mobility of the entire arm and all the joints and tendons.

I have not experienced any pain, or discomfort for a month, and I know that pain like this doesn’t just go away. In my case, however, it did.

Julia Marie is an amazingly talented healer and I am so grateful for the help. Thank you, Julia.

~Angela W., Gladstone, MO, 2010

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I had an amazing time.

I attended a Spirit Circle (mediumship) event given by Julia Marie. I had an amazing time. For me personally, my grandfather came through. I know (from) what Julia was getting from the Spirit that it had to be my grandfather. There were specific messages that let me know for sure.

There were 8 or 9 of us that attended that night. Each person was able to get messages from a loved one. Some of the people were amazed by what Julia Marie was able to bring through.

It was a wonderful event. I am grateful for the connection she made for me, and would recommend her to anyone seeking a connection with their loved ones.

~Craig McPheeters, Small Business Owner, Lawson, MO, 2010

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My doctors were in shock.

The first 2 tests all came out with the same information. After Julia Marie and her healing team had worked to shrink this tumor, the tests came back that it had shrunk.
I am so BLESSED. I have a voice still and I can eat and drink. These are two things the doctors thought may not be. You have made such a difference in my life and I hope to be able to do the same for others.

~Rev. Pat Meyer, Denver, CO, December 2009

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Sheila Franzen Sheila Franzen

I loved your connection to the Divine.

The class was more inspiring than most because of the true Spirit of your intuitiveness. Compared to other classes, it was superb. I loved your connection to the Divine, and am looking forward to any other classes you may be teaching in the future. You were so willing to share what we needed to know, and the hands-on was good because I left knowing how to use the skills I was taught that day.

~Arlene Delgado, Omaha, NB, 2009

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I just want to thank you for consistently good information.

Julia Marie, I just want to thank you for consistently good information. I’ve sent many people your way, including my own family members, to have sessions. I wanted to thank you particularly for a session we shared with my mother who had wanted so badly to speak to her mother and grandmother for a very long time.

As I sat in on that session, I watched my mother finally be able to let go of some things she’s been holding for so long. Things she’s wanted to tell her grandmother, but could never have felt sure her grandmother could hear until you brought her forward to us. That it was my Great Grandmother I have no doubt! Thank you!

~Gigi Woodman, KC Metaphysical Promoter, Overland Park, KS, 2008

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The test didn’t show any heart attack and no damage.

Thank you so very, very much. Just came home from the cardiologist. I am good to go! He said the tests didn’t show any heart attack and no damage, but we know why, don’t we? My regular doctor was definite that the ekg showed I have a heart attack. Thank you and your Team.
(The client had called me the evening of the event. I worked with her to relieve the pain and the Team repaired some damage to the heart. She went to the doctor the next day, and this was the result.)

~MaryLee Swanson, TM Instructor and Crystal Skull Seller, Denver, CO, March 2008

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