The clients share their experiences here.
There is nothing better than being able to share my inner knowing with someone who completely ‘gets’ me and then gave me further confirmation and guidance!
Julia Marie connected with me where I am. My session was a once in a lifetime experience where my soul felt so fulfilled.
-Carolyn Kraft, East Coast, 1/17/22
Thank you, Julia Marie, for our time together and connection. I really enjoyed your presence and energy. Your messages brought clarity, validation, and inspiration to me experience on so many levels.
Thank you for your beautiful healing. I look forward to learning more from you and your podcast.
-Robin Mesey, St Louis, MO, 1/9/22
My time spent with you was comforting, insightful, and inspiring I am having more episodes of mystical awareness since our meeting.
-Dianne S., Denver, CO, 12/22/21
Recently, I had a spirit art session with Julia Marie. At the end of the appointment, I mentioned my knee pain and swelling. It was so bad, I could not walk. Julia asked if The Team could work with it a little to buy me some time before surgery and relieve the discomfort. I’ve had swelling and pain in my knee for months, making it difficult to walk. After the brief (less than 15 minutes) healing session, the swelling went down and the majority of the pain is gone. This was a remarkable session. I will tell others about this special healing that Julia and The Team did.
She is a gifted, amazing healer. I highly recommend her. Her abilities are unbelievable. I feel fortunate to have experienced one of these sessions.
—Mike Y, Jefferson City, MO, 08/2021
I wanted to thank you again for such a wonderful session on Sunday and for giving me much clarity and perspective. I am really glad that I had this session with you. I left the session with a different mindset and plan than when I entered it. (And feeling better about my decision.)
—Susanne L, CA, 08/2021
I describe myself as an ‘open-minded skeptic’. I did not know what to expect when sitting down with Julia Marie for a mediumship reading. What I thought was going to be this taboo, fringe thing ended up being one of the most healing experiences.
I wish I could do for others what Julia Marie did for me. My first sitting was so accurate. I have never felt the need to meet with anyone else. I cannot explain it or deny it, but I highly, highly recommend it.
She will change your life. Thank you, Julia Marie, you are a true gift.
—Bree W, St Louis, MO, 07/2021
I had the most amazing reading from Julia Marie today. She used her own card deck she created, and I had to share my experience. She was so spot on, so connected to Divine Guidance with insights about my Soul’s purpose that went above and beyond the actual spread we used. Her reading was the perfect combination of heightened intuition, experience in readings, and simple direct card connection. I can’t wait until her deck is printed! Thank you, Julia!
—Georgia M, 04/30/21
You were right on target with the circumstances of my mother’s passing. You described how she showed you her peeking on the other side a few times before she crossed over. She coded more than once and came back before she passed. You talked about specific things related to my father that were right on, too. The connection you made with them for me today confirmed what I always know: that they are around me.
It seems like now I can feel them even more so. Thank you so much, Julia Marie. I hope to one day get the chance to tell you just how much this has blessed my soul and changed my life.
~Vicki Williams, St Louis, MO, March 18, 2021
Thank you so much for your comforting energy and great personality. I loved every bit of my experience. It was amazing and spot on. I know exactly who was coming through. Even when it didn’t make sense at first, it all came together and wowed me. I’m so very grateful for you and your gift. You are so appreciated.
~Tiffany Harris, St Louis, MO, March 17, 2021
My first reading with Julia Marie, I was 18 and a freshman in college. She suggested I consider changing my major and told me she saw a white room with moving images in my future. Five years later, I walked into an office, and the room was white with monitors all over the walls, which had the moving images she saw.
I am 25 years old now, and you would not believe the things she has called for me and the way she has facilitated my healing over the years.
I see her about once a year, and each time it’s as if we just saw each other yesterday. I feel so lucky to know and work with her. I have my dream job because I paid attention when the signs she mentioned showed up in my life.
~Mary T., Producer, St Louis, MO, March 15, 2021
I’ve thought a lot about the messages you brought through. All of them were spot on, and I’m very glad Spirit led me to you on good ol’ YouTube. Thanks again.
~Jill Gladfelter, California, March 14, 2021
Everybody I wanted to speak to that I was talking to before our session came through. Thank you so much!
~Rena P., Europe, Feb 2021
It was very helpful to me. You gave me a lot of peace and a lot of information. It brought a lot of hope. So I am very grateful to you for your reading.
~Danuta M., Poland, February 11, 2021
Julia Marie brought through my father with great personal stories from him. He talked about things that no one could have known. She also captured his image in a sketch she did while doing the reading. It was a wonderful experience.
~George Koury, Medium, New York, January 2021
Spirit guided me to Julia Marie. (She) was able to deliver a much needed confirmation message of healing to my son, and for that I am forever grateful.
Julia taught me that we are capable of connecting with our loved ones until we are able to reunite again. I plan to continue connecting with Julia in the future because her work is so profound.
— Kristen Raftery, St Louise, MO 01/12/21
I really enjoyed speaking with you last week. I just have to tell you (this): during the reading, you mentioned something about an opportunity suddenly coming my way.
I was a co-author of a local history book that came out in 2019, and I was just contacted by the publisher today about co-authoring another book for them. Funny how that worked out.
—Jamie Bourassa, St Louis, MO 01/11/2021
Julia Marie is first-class all the way! The information I received for my reading gave me confidence and excitement that I’m on the right track in manifesting my dreams.
Her patience, understanding and humor conveyed real compassion, and her ability to communicate the message Spirit was giving me through her was crystal clear. I am truly grateful.
—Erica Bridgeman, CA 11/2020
She connected immediately with this person I always, without question, want to hear from the most, and said some of the same phrases I've heard from other mediums over the years. So, because it was the same choice of words, I knew it was my loved one giving Julia those words as validation for me. In all my readings in the past, all with famous, expensive mediums (Char Margolis, Lisa Williams in Britain, George Anderson, Jamie Butler and Thomas John) this person has shown up pretty quickly if not immediately. (He was there, as usual, for her this time too.)
—Nanette B., CA, 12/15/2020
Julia was spot on directly from the start, and I really got a lot out of my reading. I really loved to hear from my Grandma at the end of the session, and I needed to hear her message.
— Susanne Lang, CA, 12/15/2020
Julia Marie did a wonderful job of bringing through my dear mum who just passed eight days ago. I’m proud of my mum and grateful to Julia for helping me have this beautiful experience.
~Carol Fullerton, England, December 2020
She immediately launched into connecting with (my loved ones in) Spirit who gave me some advice dealing with a situation I am in. They told me what I needed to work on in myself. She gave me messages from my Dad confirming what I’d received and encouraging me.
Julia effortlessly moved into the next part of the reading, which had to do with my writing a book. I have heard this for a long time from other readers, but what was so special with Julia was she told me how to set up this book, the cover, and the title!
That was remarkable. I now have a starting point and structure. Thank you so much!
~Elyse Smerling, Medium, San Diego, CA, December 2020
My sister loved her reading. She wanted to know if we had talked about her because you were so accurate. She shared her reading (with me). I had to remind her that my mom wanted to start a tradition of making a gingerbread house for my nephew, and my mom has the gingerbread kit in a box under the tree waiting. Then she understood what Gram was trying to tell her. Thanks again for sharing your gifts.
~Kimberly Goller, Teacher, Valencia, California, Dec 2020
In 2015, I came to you for a reading. Although I didn’t say anything about it to you, my Aunt came through during my sitting. I hadn’t been sleeping well, and felt like I was losing my mind. My Aunt had been murdered, and it deeply affected me. After my reading, I was able to sleep peacefully again. It was the best therapy I’ve ever gotten in my whole life.
— Lindsey, St Louise, MO 03/2020
The session was exactly what I needed! I am so grateful to you, your gifts, your generosity and your insight.
~Richard H., St Louis, MO 2018
I was at my wit’s end when I came to you. Hearing from my loved ones was very reassuring. It was amazing to me how you were able to describe their personalities and how they looked. To hear their words, spoken as they would say them, was really comforting to me. I felt so much better when I left. Thank you, Julia Marie, for your wonderful work.
~Faviane, St Louis, MO, 2017
I had a loss and after that, things just kind of started happening. I started trying to read things and figure it out on my own. You were very responsible as a teacher. It’s important to have a safe place to develop and practice, because you are not only practicing the mediumship, you are practicing the delivery of the message.
There are challenging parts to it, and I was always grateful for your approach, and as someone who came from a very analytical, logical, corporate background, I think I felt much more comfortable with that than if it had been a kind of free for all.
I liked the structured approach and it was good and challenging, too, which I enjoyed and pushed me to develop because otherwise I would not have.
~Kathy V., 2017
My reading with Julia Marie was so emotional. Her drawing was my son I had lost 5 years ago. I feel more at peace. I felt he was lost, and I am assured he has crossed over. Thank you so much!
~Anita S., Kansas City, MO 2013
Julia Marie has a rare gift for genuine mediumship. She was able to connect with my loved ones right away and shared inspiring and encouraging messages that really helped me with some difficult issues. I recommend her when you need guidance, understanding and assistance with life passages and spiritual concerns.
~Reverend Melissa, Minister, Kansas City, MO, 2012
Thanksgiving 2011 was a special event for me. Julia Marie read for my family at our traditional turkey dinner. Her connection to the other side is quite a gift to those around her. During the afternoon, Julia described a woman she saw standing near my father. She was describing my Grandmother Lucille. She died about 20 years ago, but was with my father on that day and wanted to send her love to us. I could feel her warmth and that familiar loving energy of hers. It was wonderful to feel her presence again, and to feel her hugs once more.
~Shirley Rogers, Psychic Reader, Springfield, MO, December 2011
I have been plagued for five years with repetitive motion injuries to my shoulder and elbow. When I experience a flare up, it causes extreme pain and sleep disturbances. I become unable to use that arm effectively (sometimes for weeks) due to the numbness and tingling.
I was in severe pain recently (April 2012) and asked Julia Marie for some help. She and The Team worked with me over the phone for less than 20 minutes. The results were nothing short of miraculous. I was astounded. I went to bed that night, and in the morning the pain was gone. I am now pain free, and have full mobility of the entire arm and all the joints and tendons.
I have not experienced any pain, or discomfort for a month, and I know that pain like this doesn’t just go away. In my case, however, it did.
Julia Marie is an amazingly talented healer and I am so grateful for the help. Thank you, Julia.
~Angela W., Gladstone, MO, 2010