Julia has over 30 years of training and experience. She combines her extensive knowledge of multiple modalities to give you a reading with depth that meets your specific need at the moment.
If you want to know how to schedule an appointment, you can read about that here.
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Her unique approach brings clarity and provides you with a perspective from an expanded point of view: that of your Soul and Spirit. Your Guides and Higher Guidance often provide specific suggestions you can implement if it feels right to you. Remember, you are responsible for any decisions you make or actions you take based upon the information you receive.
Life Guidance Readings
The recommended choice when you need perspective about your life direction or decisions. Get clarity about health, relationships, a work situation, or other similar issues. You can ask about your past lives or your spiritual path or purpose as well.
Julia sometimes uses Lenormand Cards during the readings, but primarily connects with your Guides and Higher Guidance.
You may also combine a connection with your loved ones and personal life guidance in the hour-long sessions. (With this option, time with your loved ones is shorter than the Mediumship-only reading listed below.)
30 Minute and 1 hour sessions available. Donation amount listed on the booking page.
Mediumship Readings
When we lose someone important to us, the grief is often overwhelming and we want to know we haven’t lost them forever. The purpose of this session is to provide you with validation they are still with you. Those signs you’ve been getting are not your imagination. They are real, and you are not alone.
A medium reading can help you find closure or begin to heal.
Julia allows the Spirit World to guide the process, but you have an opportunity to ask questions or share before we close the session . Donation amount listed on the booking page.
45 minute sessions
Energy Healing Session
When you need to restore balance, accelerate healing, clear blockages from this life or past lifetimes, or have relief from pain, consider an energy healing session. Julia Marie is the creator of Restorative Energy Technique (RET)™, an advanced 5th-dimensional energy re-integration technique. She has over 30 years’ experience as a Trans-dimensional Energy Healer™.
Julia enters a light trance and a group of higher dimensional beings she calls The Team work through her. This is not a typical ‘energy healing’, but the results are often lasting and profound. Donation amount listed on the booking page.
30 minute sessions

The information provided during your session is for personal or educational purposes only. You are responsible for any actions you may take, or decisions you make based either directly or indirectly on the information you receive during your session. I do not make predictions.I read probabilities and possibilities. What you decide to do with the information is your choice. At no time should any response given be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact, and a reading is not a substitute for same. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the session is for entertainment purposes only. By paying for or accepting a reading with Julia Marie, you are agreeing that you understand there are no guarantees or warranties, express or implied and that you are responsible for any decisions made or actions taken.
Julia Marie reserves the right to terminate a reading during the course of the appointment for any reason. Depending upon the circumstances, an appropriate refund will be issued.