FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How to schedule an appointment.
- Click on the appropriate “BOOK NOW” button. You will find yourself on the ACUITY Scheduling page.
- After the payment process is completed, you will receive a notice with your appointment information.
- On the day of your appointment, follow the link and instructions to join the meeting. It is helpful to download ZOOM PRIOR TO your appointment as we cannot help you if you have issues the day of the appointment. The alternative to a reading via ZOOM is an appointment via phone.
- The appointment will be recorded.
- A link to download the AUDIO file of your reading will be sent to you within 7-10 business days. It will be sent to the email you provided us.
- Please download your reading to the device of your choice as soon as possible as the files are not stored on the ZOOM platform more than 2 weeks.
- If you have any questions, please contact me.
Summary of Terms & Conditions , Legal Disclaimer/Notice.
Terms & Conditions: Scheduling of any service, reading, workshop, or class offered by either Julia Marie or from the WEBSITE, including any link on, to, or from Julia Marie or said website, constitutes your consent to the entirety of the provisions of the Terms & Conditions and Payment, Cancellation and Rescheduling policies as set forth on this website.
You agree that the service provided, whether purchased for yourself or as a gift for another, or received as a gift from another, is subject to your own interpretation. Any information provided to you during the course of our time together, whether during a reading, session, class, workshop, or any other service or type of event listed on this website or resulting from any link on, to or from this website, does not constitute psychological, legal, medical, business or financial advice. Any choices you make, or actions you may take, based upon the content of the information provided during the services rendered are exclusively your responsibility.
The products and services provided by Julia Marie and/or offered on this website or any site linked to or from this website, is to be considered only as an additional resource for you to consider and is not to be viewed as a substitute for the advice or services of a licensed professional in the relevant field.
NOTICE: And reading or service provided by Julia Marie, including but not limited to, mediumship readings is subject to the following additional TERMS and CONDITIONS. By booking an appointment on this site, you agree specifically to these TERMS and CONDITIONS:
- Your reading is only for your personal use.
- No portion of your reading shall be used for any commercial benefit or purpose.
- Any unauthorized commercial use by you SHALL violate Julia Marie’s rights, including but not limited to, her right of privacy and publicity.
- Your booking of a reading does not authorize you to use Julia Marie’s name, voice, signature, photograph or likeness in any manner, including but not limited to the methods mentioned above, shall result in damages being sustained by Julia Marie and this website and website owner, and such damages are cause for subsequent legal action, including but not limited to, a cease and desist order or other applicable legal action.
How do I prepare for my reading?
- Keep an open mind. This is the most important thing you can do to get the greatest benefit from our time together.
It’s best not to come to the appointment with unrealistic expectations. Every reading is different because the Spirit World is in charge. If you are reconnecting with your loved ones in Spirit, it’s even more important to keep an open mind.
PLEASE DO NOT give me any information about yourself, your life circumstances, family situations, or loved ones in Spirit prior to your reading.
- MYTH: In an intuitive (psychic) reading, the reader just tells you what’s going to happen and you cannot do anything to change the outcome. Spirit shows me possibilities and probabilities based on what is ‘seen’ in this moment.
You always have free will, and therefore you also have the power to change the trajectory of your path. Any decisions you make after the reading can alter whatever outcome is described to you during your reading.
- Write down any questions you may have before your appointment.
You may be surprised at how the mind can go blank in the middle of a reading! Be ready with your list so you can make the most of our time together.
- Trust your own intuition! Don’t make anything any intuitive (psychic) or medium tells you ‘fit’. If it feels ‘off’ to you, you do not have to accept it.
You are living your life, not the reader, so take what guidance resonates with you and leave the rest.
It’s reading day! What do I do now?
Relax. If you’ve never had a reading like this before, you might be feeling a little uncertain or anxious. And if you’re wondering what you need to do, here are some helpful suggestions:
Be ready and settled 5 minutes before the start of your session so you’re not feeling rushed or stressed.
Take a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself down – breathe in through your nose, deep into your belly, and out through your mouth. (And yes, it does work to calm you down.)
Be willing to flow with the energy of the reading. Flexibility is very helpful, especially with a mediumship reading. The Spirit World is intelligent and knows who needs to come through and what needs to be said. If you want to hear from a specific person or need to hear a certain code word, that can limit what can happen during your reading, and can cause a breakdown in the communication process.
Minimize distractions. If your reading is via phone or video conference, please set up in a quiet, private room, and make sure you are alone.
Be aware that (especially if it’s a mediumship reading) if you have other people in the room with you, THEIR loved ones may step forward instead, and you won’t hear from your people. It has happened before, which is why I mention it here. The Spirit World will make sure that the person in Spirit with the greatest need gets priority during the session.
Please put your phone on Airplane Mode or in Do Not Disturb Mode during the session.
Please do not participate in a reading while operating a motor vehicle or at your place of work.
Oh, and did I say ‘Relax?’ You are in Spirit’s hands now, and what I know to be true is this: they will take care of you.
How Julia Marie prepares for a reading
Julia Marie is an experienced medium and intuitive (psychic) with over 30 years of dedicated service to Spirit. She is privileged to read for people from all over the world including Europe, Australia, the Caribbean and the United States.
She only needs your name and contact information prior to your appointment. She does not want to know anything about you or the person with whom you wish to connect.
Julia Marie connects directly with the Spirit World when communicating with your loved ones. She gains insight using the intuitive (psychic) level of her awareness. Julia is able to see, feel, hear, sense and know the information that comes to her from Spirit World.
Each Spirit contact is a unique one, and there are many variables that can affect the communication process. You play an important part in this process, so please keep your mind open. When Julia asks if you understand, please just answer with a ‘yes’, a ‘no’, an ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I’m not sure’. Although Julia would love to hear the stories about your time with your people in Spirit, she needs to stay focused on the Spirit Communicator.
She cannot guarantee the person you want to speak with will come through. The Spirit World is intelligent, and the person with the greatest need will be the one with whom you will speak.
Since our loved ones in Spirit never come alone, there is often more than one person who will make themselves known during a session. Sometimes during your reading you will hear from friends and family who have passed who you may not be expecting. They may even come through first.
During a medium reading, your people in Spirit will express what they most want to talk about. They will often share memories of your times together, or other information that demonstrates they are still involved in your life. They often have messages of hope, healing, and encouragement to share.
REMINDERS: Julia Marie reserves the right to terminate a reading during the course of the appointment for any reason. An appropriate refund will be provided in the event of such a termination. Remember that all readings given, and all questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and the information is subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, please be advised the readings are for entertainment purposes only. Julia Marie’s services are not a substitute for professional services, and it is advised that you seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.
Not all information provided during the reading will be known to the client at the time of the reading. Your processed payment serves as proof you have read and understand the Terms and Conditions; the Payment, Cancellations and Rescheduling Policies; and the Privacy Policy pages, and that you accept and agree with these terms.
The Windbridge Research Institute is an organization whose mission is to ease suffering around death, dying, and what comes next. Please go to: www.windbridge.org. This information from their Fact Sheet, and includes some ways a sitter can optimize the reading process.
Sometimes readings don’t go as well when sitters have unrealistic expectations about mediums’ abilities after seeing the TV mediums work only giving the accurate and meaningful information. Remember, TV shows are edited and real mediums and people in Spirit are not perfect.
-DO remember your medium’s instructions should carry more weight than the suggestions listed here.
-DO remember that the people in Spirit who come through and what they say is not up to the medium any more than what you hear when answering a ringing phone or see when reading an incoming text is up to you.
-DON’T rush into a reading before you and your person in Spirit are ready. There’s no time limit on communication.
-DO choose a medium with care: choose one recommended by trusted friends. To choose from a list, ask your loved one in Spirit to help you be inspired to ‘feel’ which one is right for you. The right medium for one person might not be the right medium for another.
-DON’T forget that your person in Spirit is part of the reading. Let them know you’d like them to participate.
-DO know that a medium does NOT have to be in your area or your physical presence to provide a good reading. A phone reading is just as good, if not better, than an in-person reading. Your person in Spirit will be able to find the medium whether you are in the room with her/him or not.
-DO understand that a medium who charges more money or has more social media followers is not necessarily better (or worse) than any other medium. JULIA MARIE chooses not to engage with social media, and prefers the word of mouth method of advertising. She understands that a personal recommendation is priceless, and appreciates every person who has had a reading with her and sent others to her after their experience.
-DO provide the information the medium asks for to start the reading, but remember what you provide.
-DON’T give information beyond basic responses like: ‘Yes, that makes sense’, ‘No, that’s not correct’, ‘I’m not sure’, ‘Sort of’, ‘Maybe’, or similar, limited responses to the questions the medium may ask you during the reading.
-DO remember that your grieving can affect you how you experience things including a mediumship reading.
-DO understand that it might be difficult to communicate with a medium once you are deceased, and that, as a medium, it may be difficult to interpret all the symbols and other sensory information that you’re seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, and tasting during a reading.
-DON’T put too much pressure on the experience to prove your person in Spirit is still around. Just know it. -DO record the reading or take notes and review them later.
-DO remember that engaging a medium is just like hiring any professional service provider. Be sure that you understand what the medium will be providing and all the terms and conditions including the refund policy.
-DON’T use codes or riddles to prove the medium is communicating with your person in Spirit. Those can only prove that the answer exists somewhere in space and time, not that a person in Spirit is necessarily providing it.
A mediumship reading is a unique opportunity and having the information listed here will hopefully optimize the experience for you for the medium, and for the person in Spirit. We hope you will be able to successfully prepare for, participate in, and reflect on a mediumship reading with ease.
This information is presented for educational purposes only.
Are Gift Certificates available?
Gift Certificates are good for one year from the date of purchase and are non-refundable.
To purchase a gift certificate, please contact Julia Marie via the Contact Form on the website.
A personalized PDF gift certificate will be emailed to you, which can then be printed from your computer.
What is the difference between an intuitive (psychic) and a medium?
An intuitive(Psychic) makes a soul-to-soul connection and examines past, present, and future potentials. A psychic deals with ‘this world’ issues.
A medium makes a direct connection with your loved ones in Spirit, and when done correctly, you will often feel the presence of your loved one with us.
All mediums are psychic, but NOT all psychics are mediums! A psychic can access information about your loved ones from your auric field. It can seem as if they are speaking with your loved one, but they are not making a direct telepathic connection with the person in Spirit. They are accessing your memories of that person, and that is not the same thing.
Can you talk to a specific person in Spirit for me?
No ethical medium will ever make a guarantee that they can connect with a specific person in Spirit. Here is what I know to be true: the Spirit World is intelligent. They know who needs to speak from the other side, and what needs to be said. They know it long before you make your appointment with your medium.
What am I supposed to do during a meduim reading, then?
Remember the less I know about your loved ones, the better. As the medium, I need to stay objective, and any information you give me can affect that objectivity.
You just need to be open-minded, listen to what’s being said, and try not to make the information fit someone that comes to your mind too quickly.
I’ll ask you during the reading if you understand, and I promise to keep track of where we are.
Have some patience, too, as often other family members, friends, co-workers, or neighbors, even pets will come through in a reading. Often they are people you know well, but sometimes they’ll be people you barely knew.
Are your readings over the phone or via video as good as in-person?
Yes. I’ve had the privilege over the past 30+ years to read for people world-wide and to me, there’s no difference. If anything, a phone consultation is the most accurate because I’m not influenced, consciously or subconsciously, by any physical responses from the client.
Also, I believe that if you are comfortable and in a familiar space, you are more relaxed and therefore more open, which allows the energy to flow more smoothly and deepens the connection to Spirit.
How often should I get a reading?
Although it’s up to you, I don’t recommend frequent readings. An intuitive (psychic) reading every 4-6 months is enough time to allow the energy of the last reading you had to be complete.Some people schedule a reading with me once a year at the same time in order to have an overview of the year ahead.
As for medium readings, spirit communication does not take the place of the grieving process, nor should it. Please take a look at the Windbridge Research Institute’s Fact Sheet I posted above.