About Julia Marie
Life is an Adventure
I was just like you. I had a plan for my life and the drive to achieve it. My first job was as a translator (English/German) in the men’s shirt department of an upscale store in Wiesbaden, Germany. I was 18 years old.
I had many other non-traditional jobs including driving heavy equipment in the fields of California.
As an airman, my job was to fix big airplanes. And then the unexpected happened.
The Wake-Up Call
When life took a sudden turn over 30 years ago, there wasn’t a name for what happened. Today, they are called Spiritually Transformative Experiences or STEs.
It was an intense, complex process that unfolded over months. Turns out, the transition from service to my country to serving Spirit was lasting and permanent.
I learned to identify the energy patterns of unseen teachers who brought forth the fundamental principles which still guide my life. My sensitivity strengthened the more I paid attention to them. Soon, I was having conversations with Higher Consciousness. I would ask a question then wait, knowing I would receive an answer.
Choice is a powerful thing.
We can choose the safe, the familiar, the known.
Or follow the whisper of our Soul's longing.
I chose to listen to the Voice within and let go of the perceived safety and security of the material world. I never looked back.

The road leads always home.
When people started asking me to share what I learned, I knew the next phase of my spiritual journey was opening. I began to coach people how to work with intuition and learn to trust their connection to higher wisdom.
I demonstrate that anyone can learn to strengthen their connection to their intuitive side. I normalize this thing called intuition and assert that everyone is intuitive. Learning how to connect with your intuitive side is a priceless benefit that can enhance your life and empower you to make better decisions.
With practice, we all have the capacity to learn to connect more deeply with our higher wisdom. I can show you how.
Established in 2008, the Academy for the Intuitive Arts supports this expanded mission. If you want a grounded, practical, pragmatic approach to intuitive training and spiritual development, our courses could be the right fit for you.
The way Home is found by turning within and listening to the part of us that knows who we are and why we are here. Discover your unique connection to Spirit.
To have it the way you want it, you must give up the way it is. ~ Spirit

Training and Certifications
Julia Marie has received training and certifications in many areas of metaphysics, spirituality, and the healing arts, and continues to hone her skills in these areas with a focus on classes and courses that enhance her work.
Education, certifications and training include:
BA in Psychology and an advanced degree
Usui Reiki Master and Teacher 1989
Shamanic Training from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Certified in Past Life Regression (Delores Cannon’s QHHT Method)
Certified Regressionist with the Academy for Professional Hypnosis Training (40 hours in residence) 2010
Certified Medium training (2011)
Certified in Projective Dream Work through MIPD (Marin Institute for Projective Dream Work) with Jeremy Taylor 2015
Year-long Medium Mentorship with Mavis Pittilla 2018
Trance Communication training (2004 & 2020)
Specialized mediumship classes in Color, Platform Demonstration and the Communicator with Andy Byng, Colin Bates, Lisa Williams and Thomas John