She is real and sincere.

I received my first reading from Julia Marie after my wife passed. It was very helpful. I have had readings from many mediums through the years, and Julia Marie ranks at the top of the list. She is real and sincere. I greatly appreciate her help and strongly recommend her to others.

~Victor Martin, Stillwell, OK, 2007

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Thank you for your willingness to work with me when I was in a crisis.

It was a holiday weekend, and I was doing some work at my mother’s house. I fell through a hole in the floor, and wrenched my shoulder. I was in a tremendous amount of pain, but because of the work you’ve done with my wife, I was aware of your healing Team. When my wife urged me to contact you to see if the Team could help, I agreed.

I was just hoping for some pain relief until I could get in to see my doctor after the holiday. As Julia Marie began to work with her Team, she described the injury and the area and what the Team was doing to help me. I could feel the sharp sticking of a needle and the pulling sensation as if someone were sewing my torn tissues back together, and yet I was just listening to Julia Marie talk and hum a low tone sometimes.

I felt better after they worked with me, and by the time I went to the doctor that Monday, he said there was no indication of torn ligaments or tendons. There was only a severe strain. I believe, through her work with the Team, that my injury was mostly healed before I got to the doctor.

~Steven Summers, PhD Psychologist, Gentry, AR, 2007

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I am very grateful to God for sending his healing instrument to me that day.

I have had terrible trouble with my lower back for years. My doctor said my outlook was not very good. When Julia Marie put her hands on my lower back, I could feel the heat. My headache was gone in a few minutes. I began to feel so much better. I went to my doctor. He took two sets of x-rays, then asked me what I had done because there was no way the change in my back was the result of something traditional medicine had to offer.

I have gone from not being able to hardly walk and living in constant pain to enjoying my life again. I am very grateful to God for sending His healing instrument to me that day. Thank you, Julia, for the help you gave me.

~Ray Price, Harrison, AR, December 2007

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This reading was one of the best experiences of my spiritual life!

I have had other readings before that left me somewhat skeptical. Julia Marie was right on! She hit me right at the very beginning of the reading with acknowledging my German shepherd Lady. My dog was always at my side. Lady died while my wife and I were on a trip. I always wondered about her. Julia told me Lady indicated she would always be around to protect me as she had in life and that she was able to run and jump, and that I was not to worry about her any more. Major relief!

The other people Julia Marie described left no doubt as to who they were all the way from how they appeared to her to the plates of cookies my Grandma always had on the table. This reading has been one of the best experiences of my spiritual life. I would highly recommend her to others, and have done so. Julia Marie, you are truly gifted.

~Larry G., OK, 2007

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You won’t be disappointed.
Sheila Franzen Sheila Franzen

You won’t be disappointed.

While traveling in Nashville, TN, I had the privilege to sit with Julia Marie, a gifted psychic and visionary artist. It is such a treat for me as someone who reads for others to have had a reading from her. She is one of my favorite psychics. She’s wonderful, very blessed, and she sees so very much. She helped me to understand that deeper part of myself. I encourage you to have a reading with her. You won’t be disappointed. She is amazing.

~Psychic Bob, Medium/Author/YouTube Channel, Nashville, TN, 2006

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More than once I felt the presence of a Master working with you, guiding and assisting.

I was strongly guided to you and your healing technique. You created a safe sanctuary to allow very deep energetic work to flow. The tones of your voice, the low sound and power it released brought me to a state of acceptance of renewal. Sometimes I could hear and feel the power and sometimes I was deep in my own vision.

My chakra system was completely replaced and set to a new vibration. I was very aware of this happening, and yet could not tell you how it was happening. More than once I felt the presence of a Master working with you, guiding and assisting. Yet you always retained your presence and focus no matter what was happening around us. I lost all sense of time and place and simply allowed what needed to be.

Afterward, my body, mind and spirit took a while to integrate all the changes. Since your healing work, I have experienced a lot of realizations. My work has greater clarity. I am sleeping better as well.

Thank you, Julia. I so appreciate you and your gifts.

~Beth T., Texas, March 2006

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I am so glad we met that day.

I had not told anyone about the growth in my forearm, yet the first time we met, you asked if you could place your hands on my shoulders because you were strongly pushed to ask, and because the ‘juice’, as you called it, was running full strength. I could actually feel the tendrils of the growth in my arm being pulled in, concentrated, somehow.

I didn’t say anything to you until after the surgery, but what the doctors found when they went in there was an encapsulated growth. There was far less damage to my arm, and I didn’t lose the use of my hand. I am so glad we met that day. Thank you, Julia Marie.

~Peggy, Crystal Store Owner, Nashville, TN, 2006

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Julia Marie is my reader of choice.

Julia has been my reader of choice for business, health, relationships, and general understanding of events happening in my life. I am impressed by her knowledge and her intuitive abilities. Her skill at bringing information and understanding to a question is helpful and sometimes amazing!

I attend a local reader’s show every year, and Julia’s appointments for readings fill up fast! There are few readers that have her following year after year. This tells me others are getting the information they need, just as I get what I need. I would recommend a reading by Julia Marie, and have sent some of my friends to her.

~Michael Schuyver, Shamanism Practitioner, Kansas City, MO, November 2005

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Sheila Franzen Sheila Franzen

Julia Marie is a most amazing intuitive on so many levels.

My first encounter was for Julia to draw my company of angels, the beings who most graciously and tirelessly assist me in my daily life. This most beautiful drawing has been a portal I can use to commune with and interact with these angels. I keep it near me when I sleep and as I awake to remind myself that I am never alone.

While she was creating this beautiful drawing, Julia Marie talked about each being and their purpose in my life to assist in my understanding of not only how I am specifically cared for on every level, but how encompassing the love and protection of Heaven is for me personally. I have been absolutely blown away by Julia Marie’s intuitiveness and her level of professionalism in all she does.

My life has been changed by her deep love for humanity. Thank you.

~Cheryl Waller, Massage Therapist, Wichita, KS, July 2005

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This far surpassed what I expected when I first signed up.

I’ve taken other classes other places, but they can’t compare to this one. I’ve listened to other intuitive development types, but this is great information and so hands on, there’s just really no comparison. This class has been so helpful. You’ve done an amazing job, so I just wanted to let you know. This far surpassed what I expected when I first signed up. I will definitely recommend the Intuitive Development Class to others.

~Craig McPheeters, Small Business Owner, Kansas City, MO, 2004

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She is dedicated to the work and the healing of humanity.

I first met Julia while on retreat in Mount Shasta. She stood out from the crowd on many levels, and when I finally got to work with her, I understood why. Her depth of connection with Spirit, her compassion, and her willingness to be the Messenger facilitated bit shifts for me. She is dedicated to the work and the healing of humanity.

~Jeanette Silver, Counselor, England, 2001

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Many people touch our lives, but few make a difference that we clearly recognize.

Julia Marie lived in Twin Bridges, MT, about a 50 minute drive from Butte. A group of us met with her on an almost weekly basis. Julia taught us the truths that we had not known and those that we forgot because our chosen reality gets in the way. A shift in my reality began for me during that time. I miss her words, thoughts and lessons very much.

~Ginette Abdo, Butte, MT, 1997

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