3 Ways to Overcome Fear: A Foolproof Formula

One of the biggest obstacles to building your intuitive confidence is a four-letter word: fear.

Many of us allow our fear - usually a fear of being wrong - to keep us from the beautiful experience of our grand connection to the Infinite Intelligence of which we are all a part. This kind of fear is not limited to our intuitive exploration, however.

Maybe you stay in a job or relationship that holds you back because you don’t think you have other options. Perhaps your dreams go unfulfilled because you doubt your abilities and therefore are hesitant to take action to manifest them.

The good news is, you can break out of your comfort zone if you want.

The formula has three main components: Acceptance, Confidence, and Courage.

Overcome fear using the power of Acceptance

There are four parts to overcoming fear through acceptance.

  1. Increase your awareness. If you want to figure out what you are genuinely afraid of, it’s essential to confront your fears. A good approach is to pay attention to physical signs like your stomach churning when your boss criticizes your performance, or your voice shaking as you step forward to speak in public.

  2. Avoid judging yourself. You are better off trying to understand your fears instead of blaming yourself for being afraid. When you feel the anxiety rising inside you, take a breath and give yourself time to calm down. Speak to yourself gently and reassuringly.

  3. Use your ability to reason. You have a logical mind that can help you out at times like this. Fear often causes us to exaggerate the consequences of a situation. If you have difficulty being objective about your circumstances, imagine what you might think if the same problem happened to someone else. Separating yourself from your experience by making it about someone else can bring you much-needed perspective. This perspective can quell your fear.

  4. Make deliberate choices. You are always in charge of your life even when you feel frightened. When you want to run away from circumstances that scare you, try to keep your long-term interests in mind as you face them. And don’t forget to breathe.

Overcome fear through Confidence

Here are three ways you can overcome fear through confidence:

  1. Remember your past achievements. Use your imagination to visualize some past accomplishments that you are proud of achieving. If you can successfully plan a wedding or buy a house, you can cope with making small talk with strangers, or practicing intuitive exercises.

  2. Keep practicing. When we face fear directly, it diminishes. Anxiety grows when we live in denial. Start small. If you are afraid of the water, start in the shallow end of the pool. If you are concerned about being wrong when you begin to practice with your intuition, allow yourself to be incorrect. Once you have enough practice, you will go with the intuitive flow without any second thoughts or hesitation. I promise.

  3. Acquire skills. Genuine confidence comes from feeling competent. You can gain confidence from pursuing the education and training you need to reach your goals. If you want to increase your intuitive certainty, find a class and practice every chance you get. Remember to be patient with yourself. Eventually, it will come together. Every time you practice or sit with other people who are also working to improve their intuitive connection, you reception improves whether you actively participate in the exercises or not. Training also applies to learning a foreign language or mastering a new skill.

Overcome fear through Courage

Here are some suggestions you can try to overcome fear through courage:

  1. Seek support. When you feel vulnerable, surround yourself with family, friends, and colleagues who can provide you with encouragement and support. It’s appropriate to ask for help when you need it and be open to honest feedback.

  2. Practice self-care. It is easier to feel brave when your mind and body are strong and healthy. Cultivate healthy habits, including eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, and good sleep habits.

  3. Affirmations help shift your mindset. Positive statements can also help you focus your efforts and energy. Tell yourself that you are brave. Tell yourself you refuse to let your fears rob you of your happy life or successes in whatever endeavor you pursue.

  4. Focus on the progress you make. Motivate yourself to try new approaches by thinking about the rewards you would gain by going for them. If you have been procrastinating about pursuing developing your intuition or asking your boss for a raise, imagine how taking that action could improve your life. Whatever the outcome, you will better understand how your intuition works when you practice. Likewise, you will get experience with advocating for yourself when you are asking for that raise!

  5. Faith has power. Your belief in a higher power, whether in a conventional religious or a non-traditional spiritual way, can often sustain you when you are going through a challenging time, and the anxiety is almost too much to handle.

  6. Sometimes we all can use some therapy. If you are not able to overcome your anxiety, you may need additional help. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other techniques are often very effective. Hypnosis, or self-hypnosis, is often very effective when overcoming fear related to your intuitive functioning. Either way, you may discover your worries relate to past events you still need to resolve.

Change your ideas about fear. It can be a teacher if we allow it. We can all learn and grow from accepting who we are, how we are, and develop the confidence to tackle our anxiety head-on.

Don’t let your fear of being wrong prevent you from discovering what it feels like to connect to the great potential of your Soul.

If you are interested in testing the intuitive waters, please check out the Intuitive Life Skills Training Course offered by the Academy for the Intuitive Arts. The next series of classes starts September 9th.

(c) 2021, DLHT/Julia Marie, T’ee. Be cool. Attribute work. All rights are reserved, but personal sharing with others or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included: https://www.JuliaMarie.us/


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