It’s Never Too Late

You’ve lost someone important to you. You didn’t get the chance to say goodbye. 

You find a trained medium, and make an appointment for a sitting. You carry in your heart the hope that you will be able to say the words you’ve wanted to say since your loved one passed.

What most of these beautiful people don’t realize is that it’s never too late to say what needs to be said, and they don’t need a medium for that. Something else also surprises them: their loved ones are often waiting to say the things they didn’t – or couldn’t – say before they left this world behind. Sometimes it’s about guilt or regret. More often, it’s words words of praise and love.

A daughter is finally ready

A few years ago, a woman came for a reading. The first person who stepped forward identified herself as this woman’s mother. The client immediately said she didn’t want to talk to her mother. Mentally, I told the mom it wasn’t a good time, but I would be willing to try again another day, if that day ever came.

The next year, this same woman returned for another reading. I didn’t recognize her, so I was surprised when she refused to have anything to do with the first person who came through for her: her mother. After that reading, the client explained what had happened the year before. 

The third year the woman came for a reading, I did recognize her, but I didn’t remember the details of her prior reading. Again, her mother stepped forward first. This time, the woman looked at me and said “I’m finally ready to hear what she has to say. I did some work on my issues with her.” The conversation that ensued brought peace and healing to both women. When the reading was done, the client thanked me. I mentally thanked the mother for her willingness to keep trying. 

No medium needed

Why would someone who has left this world even want to bother with making amends? Or with finally saying I love you, I am proud of you?’

It seems we have a greater awareness once we’ve shed the limitations of our physical body. We have the chance to experience the pain our words and actions caused. When we realize we still have a way to say we are sorry, to take responsibility for those choices, it seems most of us try to do just that.

During a consultation, the needs of the people on both sides of the veil are addressed to the best of the medium’s ability. Surprising revelations, deep healing, messages of support and encouragement are all possible. The goal is always peace and healing.

Yes, a medium can facilitate this for you, but you do not need a medium to make the connection with your loved ones. They are not somewhere ‘out there’. They are here with you if you open yourself up to their presence.

When a person comes for a consultation, often it’s because they have things they want to say because they didn’t get the chance before their loved one passed. “Tell my father I miss him”, I hear them say. That’s when I get the chance to tell them they don’t need me. Their loved ones sense their thoughts, and do hear their words.

If you did not get the chance before, you can say those words to them now, and know that you are heard. Or write a letter and burn it. Sit quietly and center yourself, and speak the words or express those feelings no matter what they are. You don’t need to say them out loud.

It is likely your loved one came in response to your thoughts, and is standing right there, listening. You may even feel a shift in the energy of the room. A change in temperature or goose bumps often signals the presence of a person from the world of spirit.

It is never too late for the healing to happen.

When you are ready for a visit with your loved ones in Spirit, schedule an appointment HERE.

(c)2002-2021, DLHT, Julia Marie. All rights reserved. Personal sharing with others or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included:


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