A Message from the Angels

A message is timely when it’s relevant

Inspiration comes, then waits, patiently, until it’s recognized. When words come to mind, especially when they seem to come ‘randomly’, it’s usually a good idea to write them down somewhere. You never know when those words may resonate with people.

This brief message has been sitting unread for almost a decade. I came across them today and felt they spoke to our current collective situation. Though channeled years ago, I sense their words might bring hope to those who stumble upon them here. If you do, then perhaps you were inspired by the angels to hear this message now.

Their guidance for us

A message of encouragement for humanity.

Open your awareness to us like the beautiful flowers blooming in the light of the sun in this season.

Long have we waited to be with you, together, in this way once more. We abide in a timeless place, nevertheless we understand the unfolding of the time stream of your world.

The Light is rising on your planet. As your heart turns once more to Heaven, the Light can feel that longing and thus responds in kind. Can you not feel our rejoicing? We are moving toward each other with increasing speed, and soon there will be a reunion unlike any that has been experienced on either side of the Veil for aeons of time.

If you would hasten this reunion, we encourage you to renew your commitment to treating yourself and others with kindness. So much of the energy of your world is tied up in discord and disharmony.

Often there is not enough left over with which to continue to create the world that would come. As you begin to value yourself more, and thus value the Other that is also you, this will begin to free up that trapped reservoir of energy just waiting to be tapped.

Simply envision some ice cubes. These ice cubes represent the solidified, the frozen, energy of which we speak. Turn your attention with intention, upon the image of the ice cubes. Melt them with the Light of your Love.

See the water, which represents the energy from which all things are created, begin to flow. Envision it as it spreads across the face of the Earth, enlivening and energizing the entire planet and all living things upon Her.

Take a moment now to sit in the quiet space of your magnificent collective mind and do this. For yourself. For the Other, which is also you. We give thanks for the precious time you have given us this day.

The word ‘angel’ means ‘messenger’

This message came from an automatic writing session almost a decade ago. I share it here today. Thank you for receiving it.

All original material posted to this site is copyright 2012-2020, DLHT/JuliaMarie. All rights reserved. Personal sharing with friends or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included: https://www.juliamarie.us/


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